
Pre-Sale Package - 2025 Three Game Pack

Guarantee your seats to three of the best Wausau Softball Club games this summer! You'll get a ticket for opening night and two other great games. Can't make it to a game in your package? Don't worry - with Ticket Assurance you have our promise that we want you to use your tickets and we'll help you swap the unusable ticket to another game you can make it to.

Box Office Tickets

Use the stadium map below to locate the seats you want. Only seats that are available will appear. To find available seats, hover over your desired section and click. This will zoom the map in and show available seats. Once you have located your preferred seat(s), simply click on it to add it to your order. Tickets are not removed from the available ticket pool until you click the buy button – so don’t delay.

Pre-Sale Package
Stadium Map Key
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Complete your transaction to ensure you receive these tickets.

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Copyright ©2024 Wausau Softball. All Rights Reserved.

The holder ASSUMES ALL RISKS and dangers incidental to the game of baseball, whether occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to the actual playing of the game and including specially (but not exclusively) the danger of being injured by thrown bats, or BY THROWN OR BATTED BALLS BOTH INSIDE the baseball park AND OUTSIDE the baseball park walls, in parking lots, streets, or other surrounding property, and agrees that the Northwoods League, member clubs, and players are NOT LIABLE FOR INJURIES resulting from such causes.

Ticket Terms:

In the event that a 4-1/2 innings are not completed, this ticket can be exchanged at the box office for a general admission ticket valid on any remaining regular season home game. Ticket holder acknowledges & consents to the use of photographic and video reproduction of his/her likeness for promotional and other purpose.